Nassau's Auction Services
Nassau's Auction and Liquidation services are centered around product
knowledge, skilled sales professionals, the internet, and integrity.
Our website enables you to browse and search our equipment, view
pictures and condition reports, ask our professionals for additional information,
and send data to others. We accept bids from around the world and we provide a
truly secure mechanism for purchasing our repossessed items.
Beyond standard equipment auctions, where you can win immediately or when the
auction closes, we also maintain orderly equipment liquidations. This is a service
we provide to our clients in order to maintain a commercially-reasonable sale. Both
auction and orderly sales have been proven in court to constitute both public and
private commercially-reasonable sales.
For our buyers, a liquidation means we have certain prerequisites or rules that have to
be met before we can sell the item to the highest bidder. In some cases, the sell
date of the item may be delayed if certain criteria are not met. An example of the
criteria might be a three (3) bid minimum – where we cannot sell the item without 3
pre-existing bids. All in all, this service ensures our clients to fully realize
the equipments resale potential, and the sale will hold up in court if contested.
We also have a subscription based pipeline service available to our buyers. This
service, with a nominal monthly fee, provides you with the enhanced ability to
manage and track your bids as well as provide listings of equipment that are soon
to be repossessed. In many cases, we do not have photographs of such items, but
the ability to pre bid on items that most buyers will never see, gives you an
advantage to win – especially if the liquidation prerequisites have been met.
We encourage you to use our web site to its fullest. We provide these services to enhance your position to
purchase our goods. You can go directly to our equipment auctions and liquidations area by clicking here.
Check out our latest Watch Auction!!