Nassau's Remarketing Services
From the moment your equipment recovery or end of term sale is assigned we're hard at work assessing the FMV (Fair Market Value) and asking price. We speak to end users and dealers. We consult all the resources available on line and rely heavily on our own historic sale database.
Once your assets are in our possession we make sure they are displayed in optimal sale environment. Photos are taken, condition report completed and sent to you the client. At that point the listing shows up on our web site (see example below) which receives 700,000 hits per month.
We send out "equipment for bid" email alerts to our opt in buyers. Our buyer list consists of thousands of long term customers including end users and dealers. The emails are followed up with phone calls from our aggressive sales staff.
We will also advertise your equipment in industry rags depending on the type of asset. Our goal is to showcase your equipment giving it the most exposure possible. Your used equipment is our front line inventory.
As a result of our marketing effort, the bids roll in. Nassau remarkets hundreds of items daily - from trucks, computer equipment, machine tools, furniture, wood working equipment to automobiles, medical equipment, buses, cranes, and much more.
Keep in mind we will never sell your assets without written approval. You always remain in control of the sale.