Nassau's Repossession Services
Reliable. Nassau understands your needs as a lender. Your problem becomes our
problem. Our success is your success.
Competent. Repossession laws vary from state to state we operate by the book.
Trust Nassau to recover your equipment without incident. Our reputation is our
most valuable asset. We hope you won't mind if we give you sound advice from the
field. If we feel a recovery requires a court order we help you weigh the costs vs
equipment value (free of charge.)
Insured. We understand your sensitivity to risk. Nassau carries sufficient
insurance. Our bond is available upon request.
Experienced. Since 1986 Nassau has repossessed and sold just about anything
that can be leased or financed. We evaluate every move to ensure each and every
asset is moved safely, stored properly, and is showcased in its best sale environment.
Cost Effective. Our business model relies on commission from the equipment sale
not the repossession fees. Nassau's pricing is extremely fair and competitive.
Timely. If an asset can be found we will find it. Rest assured our people are working for you 24x7x365.
Efficient. Assign and track your placements on line any time. You can obtain up to
the minute status on all your accounts via password protected access to your Nassau
placements. Simply log in, search accounts, click the name of the account
representative and communicate. No more wasted time finding answers. We give you
the tools to manage exceptions while keeping track of flowing business. Extend your
workforce with Nassau.
No Surprises. We quote a price and stick to it. We will not repair, clean, or charge anything without your approval in writing.